Cork earrings are a popular accessory for many women. They are lightweight, colorful, and can be matched with many different outfits. However, it is crucial to properly take care of your cork earrings to prolong their life and keep them looking their best.

This article will show you five different ways to take care of your cork earrings.

The Maintainability of Cork Earrings

Cork earrings are an excellent choice for anyone looking for an earthy and natural look. They can be worn with various outfits. Like any other jewelry, it's essential to take care of your cork earrings. Here are five ways to do it:

1. Avoid getting them wet.

This seems like a no-brainer, but it's worth repeating. Water can cause the cork to swell and distort its shape. So, take them off before swimming or showering and avoid exposure to rain or other bodies of water.

2. Store them in a cool, dry place.

When you're not wearing them, it's best to store your cork earrings in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent the cork from drying out and cracking. A jewelry box or pouch is ideal.

3. Be careful when cleaning them.

Since cork is a natural material, it's essential to be gentle when cleaning your earrings. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners as they can damage the cork. Use a soft cloth dampened with water and mild soap. Gently wipe the earrings clean and let them air dry.

4. Don't expose them to too much heat.

Like water, heat can also cause the cork to swell and distort its shape. So, avoid wearing them in saunas or steam rooms and take them off before blow-drying your hair.

5. Inspect them regularly.

As with any piece of jewelry, it's a good idea to inspect your cork earrings from time to time. Look for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, splits, or breaks in the cork. If you notice any damage, stop wearing the earrings until you get them repaired.

By following these simple tips, you can help ensure that your cork earrings look great for years to come.

Spotted Teardrop Cork Earrings

Different Factors that can Damage Your Cork Earrings

The following are some factors that can damage your cork earrings:

1. Direct sunlight can fade the color of your cork earrings over time.

The color of cork earrings may fade over time when exposed to direct sunlight. Avoid this by storing your cork earrings in a cool, dark place.

2. Excessive humidity can cause the cork to expand and become soft.

If the cork in your earrings gets too soft, it can expand and eventually break. So keep them away from humid areas such as the bathroom.

3. Chemicals can discolor or damage the cork, such as perfume or hairspray.

To avoid this, put on your cork earrings after applying your perfume or hairspray.

4. Earrings that are tightly fitted can put pressure on the cork, which can cause it to crack or chip.

To avoid this, make sure your cork earrings are not too tight.

5. Poor care and handling can also damage your cork earrings.

Tucson Belle Cork Earrings

Be sure to take off your earrings before applying lotions, perfumes, or hair products, as these can all contain chemicals that can damage the cork. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when you're not wearing your earrings.

With proper care, your cork earrings can last for many years. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your cork earrings looking new!

Steps on How to Clean Your Cork Earrings

  1. Gently wipe your cork earrings with a damp cloth to remove any dirt or dust.
  2. Soak them in a bowl of warm water mixed with a gentle soap.
  3. Swish the earrings around in soapy water, then use a soft toothbrush to scrub away any dirt or grime gently.
  4. Rinse the earrings in clean water, then dry them with a soft cloth.
  5. If your earrings are very dirty, you may need to repeat these steps.

How to Store Your Cork Earrings

  1. Put your cork earrings in a jewelry box or pouch when not wearing them.
  2. Store your jewelry in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight.
  3. Avoid storing your cork earrings in the bathroom, as the humidity can damage the cork.
  4. If you travel with your cork earrings, pack them in a particular jewelry case or box.

With proper care, your cork earrings can last for many years. By following these simple tips, you can help keep your cork earrings looking new!

Other Tips for Taking Care of Cork Earrings

  1. If your cork earrings get wet, dry them off as soon as possible to prevent the cork from swelling.
  2. Don't expose your cork earrings to extreme heat or cold, as this can cause the cork to crack or chip.
  3. Avoid contact with chemicals, such as perfume, hairspray, or lotion, as these can damage the cork.
  4. Store them in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight when you're not wearing your cork earrings.
  5. Inspect your cork earrings regularly for signs of wear and tear, such as cracks, splits, or breaks in the cork

Is it Worth-it to Have Cork Earrings?

Cork earrings are an excellent choice for looking for something different from traditional metal or plastic earrings. They are lightweight and comfortable to wear, and they offer a unique style that is perfect for casual and formal occasions.

Cork earrings are also a good choice for sensitive skin, as the cork is hypoallergenic and will not cause any irritation.

Despite their many benefits, cork earrings are not for everyone. They can be damaged easily, so they require more care than other types of earrings. Additionally, they are not as widely available as different types of earrings, so you may have to search for them at specialty stores or online.

If you are looking for a unique and stylish earring that is also comfortable to wear, cork earrings may be the perfect choice for you. Just be sure to take care of them properly to prevent damage, and keep in mind that they may not be easy to find if you live in a rural area.

Coco Cork Earrings


In conclusion, there are a few things you should keep in mind when caring for your cork earrings. First, avoid getting them wet.

Second, be careful not to scratch or damage the surface. Third, store them in a cool, dry place. And fourth, don’t forget to clean them regularly with a soft cloth.

By following these simple tips, you can keep your cork earrings looking new for many years to come. Thanks for reading!

June 02, 2022 — Haley Young
Tags: Blog

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