A Guide to Wearing Leather Earrings

A Guide to Wearing Leather Earrings

Haley Young Haley Young
6 minute read

Eleven 10 Leather and Designs Logo

Jojo Leather Earring on Influencer


Many people think that leather earrings are just for cowgirls and bikers. Not true! They come in all shapes and sizes and can be worn to complement any outfit.

This article will teach you how to find the right pair of leather earrings for your style. Whether you’re wearing jeans or a dress, there’s a perfect pair of earring designs for you!

Introduction to the different types of leather earrings

There are so many kinds of leather earrings! They can be worn for any occasion and come in many different styles, shapes, colors, and patterns. If you’re looking to buy a pair, you must know the different types of shapes before buying them.

This section will discuss the most common types of leather earring shapes: the teardrop and everything else!

Teardrop Leather Earrings
Brown Teardrop Leather Earrings

These are BY FAR the most popular shaped earrings sold!

If you’re looking for a way to add a little edge and sex appeal to your outfit, then the teardrop is the perfect jewelry accessory.

Of course, they are made of leather and feature a pointed, drooping shape. They can be worn with almost any type of clothing and are perfect for adding an extra touch of glamour to any outfit.

If you’re looking to incorporate this shape into an outfit, then consider pairing them with something simple and sleek. Teardrop Leather Earrings are the perfect accessory and pair well with most outfits and face shapes.

All the other shapes

Different Types of Leather Earrings

It’s challenging to list all the different shapes available for leather earrings. If you can think of it, you’ll probably find it online.

We create our shapes and earring styles based on what we like to see, what seems flattering on most women, and what pairs best with most outfits.

Most of the time, we aren’t naming our new designs based on the shape (ex: diamond, circle, oval, square, etc.) but based on a catchy name that we think fits its shape.

For example, our popular Remi Earring shape is more circular, like an upside-down “U,” so instead of calling it the “U Leather Earring,” we opted for the “Remi.” That said, it may be challenging to hunt down a pair of earrings solely based on the shape’s name.


Choosing Your Leather Earrings Based on Shape

Eggplant Gemma Leather Earrings

There are a few different factors that you should take into consideration when choosing the right pair of earrings for your outfit:

  • Colors and patterns are an essential factor to consider when matching your earrings with your clothing
  • The shape of the earring design is also something you should consider carefully, as it will change how your earrings look.
  • Pairing the right earring shape with the shape of your face can be difficult as well.

We suggest you experiment a little to find the best shapes, colors, and patterns for your individual style and personality!


The benefits of wearing leather earrings

The Super Lightweight Monroe Leather Earring

These earrings are not just fashion statements. They have many practical benefits that you may not have considered. Here are just a few of the reasons why you should consider wearing these lightweight accessories:

1. They are incredibly lightweight and comfortable to wear. They won’t pull on your earlobes as heavier earrings can, and they won’t cause fatigue or pain after wearing them for an extended period of time. And depending on the earring hook, they can be hypoallergenic (all of our earring hooks are lead and nickel-free, silver-plated brass).

2. They are cute, fun, stylish, and versatile. They can be worn with almost any outfit, from casual to dressy. A night out with friends or an extended weekend out of town

3. They are a great way to add personality to your look. You can make a statement with so many different styles, patterns, and designs available with these accessories.

4. They don’t cost as much as larger, more expensive jewelry pieces!


How to style leather jewelry with different outfits

Brown Teardrop Leather Earrings on an Influencer

When it comes to styling your earrings, the possibilities are endless! You can wear them with just about any outfit, whether it’s a casual day at the park or a formal event. Here are a few examples of how to style them with different outfits:

  • Try pairing your leather jewelry with a plain t-shirt and jeans for a casual look. This will help showcase the earrings without being too flashy.
  • If you’re going for a more dressed-up look, try pairing them with a dress or skirt. This will add a touch of edgy sophistication to your outfit.
  • They also look great when paired with other leather accessories, such as a leather handbag or leather shoes.

These leather pieces are very versatile and are a perfect addition to just about any type of outfit. Try wearing your earrings with just about any outfit to help showcase these gorgeous accessories!


Tips on how to care for your leather earrings

Mr Clean MagicEraser can clean earrings

These are a great accessory to have in your wardrobe. Not only are they stylish and trendy, but they are also versatile and can be worn with various outfits.

However, if you want to ensure your earrings last for a long time, you need to take care of them properly. Here are a few tips on how to do that:

1. Make sure you keep them away from water. Leather is not waterproof, so if it gets wet, it can become damaged.

2. Avoid exposing your earrings to extreme temperatures or having them in direct contact with sunlight. The heat from the sun can dry them out and cause them to become brittle, while extreme cold can cause them to crack.

3. Wipe your earrings with a soft, dry cloth or a nearly dry magic Eraser periodically to remove any dirt or oil, which can cause them to become discolored.

Leather jewelry is durable and can last a lifetime if properly stored and cared for!



In the article, you learned about the different types and shapes of earrings made from leather, the benefits of wearing them, how to style your leather earrings, and how to care for them so they can last a lifetime.

If this sparked an interest in trying a new style or if you want help selecting which pair is right for your wardrobe, let us know! Our team would love to help you find the best pair of leather earrings for YOU. We go above and beyond what other earring makers do and want to prove it to you!

As an accessible resource, check out our Newest Releases to see what is new and trending!

Portofino Jojo Leather Earrings

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